Saturday, November 05, 2005


  1. What happened to these African-American tribes who were in the US and North America before Columbus and who existed as independent nations untill 1805 in the 'sold' Louisiana Purchase territories and the 1880's in California?

    It is disheartening to find out that African-Americans are being removed from New Orleans for the second time in US history. The first time was when the Washitaw Empire and its monarchy were removed, the Black Washitaw enslaved and sold to Southern Plantations and the monarchy exiled.

    This issue was partially settled in 1991 when the Empire Washitaw de Dugdamoundyah were awarded about 60,000 square acres out of the previously 1 million square miles of thier vast empire and territory. Yet, the descendents of this very group of preColumbian Blacks from the Louisiana/Gulf region forced out of their city New Orleans and their homes are loosing their property and lands again.

    Unless the people realize that the South and the Washitaw Territory of about one million square miles belonged to their so-called 'slave' ancestors, and that they were illegally enslaved from their own lands and driven off, they will never know their rights.


  2. Truly GREAT FACTS! Contact me and we will translate this info into EspaƱol for the benefit of present day Olmecs! amani

  3. Great information here..Please stay in contact with me.So l can learn more!And Thanks.

  4. Great information here..Please stay in contact with me.So l can learn more!And Thanks.

  5. (g)Writing a book about our ancient culture that has been hidden, stolen and erased. Am in the writing of part 1, and ran into this history I never knew about. Will be in touch for more info.
    Dr. Damaur Quander
